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The Universe, Everywhere
Life is; intriguing, mysterious, beautiful, heartbreaking, inspiring, and sometimes down right hysterical. With all this to offer, why not live it out loud. This blog is an outlet for sharing my experiences through this human journey...while discovering how to love again, laugh again, and live again.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hurry up and wait!

I have been thinking a lot lately about Patience. While we all know the saying "patience is a virtue", it is a hard truth in a reality where instant everything exists. This has been something I have struggled with for years. I want everything now now now and I forget that I have the next sixty years or so to do these things.

Right now I am pushing thirty and I keep putting deadlines on everything from finishing school to getting married. I have found myself being extremely frustrated with the time it takes to accomplish these said goals. From fighting with my boyfriend to begrudging my small apartment, I am constantly in a state of chaos over my inability to be patient.

Nothing in my life is conducive to being patient. I rush rush rush all day long and yet somehow manage to accomplish nothing. How can I hold patience to a high standard in my life when everything around me is instant.

And then it hit me. The best things in life really are worth waiting for and good things are done with time and honor.

If I rushed to the alter, I would probably marry the wrong person. If I am patient, I will find true love, and thus true happiness.

If I rush through my education, I might end up with a degree I am not passionate about in a job that does not full fill me. But, if I am patient, then I am giving myself the time to question, ponder, and truly find my passion.

While these are simple statements, the idea behind them runs much deeper. It leaves me wondering why were are all in such a hurry. The answer, MONEY.

As out capitalist society grows and becomes faster and more efficient, so do our shortcuts to success. Make a quick buck to get the dream, right? But at what cost? Would I really be happier if I had finished my degree in business years ago and now lived in a 4 bedroom house with a pool and a dog, possibly kids, a 9-5 sales job, etc...

Gosh seems like that might get boring after 60+ years!

So I come to the conclusion that patience is the thing we all have, but only a few choose to embrace. I am so glad that I waited, and I will continue to wait until the right circumstances cross my path. And in my quest to be patient, I will live, travel, love, laugh, and find my beauty in everything!

Share your stories with me. How do you practice patience? How do you deal when you feel like things can't happen fast enough?


  1. ~ Sarah, I'm glad that your lovely soul embraces the beauty of life, and you can allow yourself to stop and smell the roses ~

    (¸.•´ ~ Peace (¸ .•´¯`•.¸¸.


  2. I find actively listening to someone in person, one-on-one, along with meditation to be great for practising patience. Patience comes to me more easily when I take time to observe things outside of myself and look at "the bigger picture."

    Rushing seems to amount from short-sighted, or greedy mindfulness: "Just one more cookie! It wouldn't hurt!"

  3. hi Sarah...
    lovely post..PATIENCE... ;0 ..
    i think we all struggle with that..
    lifes move'n too fast for me today...
    have a wonderful week...
    mona & the girls
