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The Universe, Everywhere
Life is; intriguing, mysterious, beautiful, heartbreaking, inspiring, and sometimes down right hysterical. With all this to offer, why not live it out loud. This blog is an outlet for sharing my experiences through this human journey...while discovering how to love again, laugh again, and live again.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Yum Yum Coconut Gumdrop Pirates" Set Sail...Ahoy Mates!

I have been thinking a lot, a Lot, A LOT lately about transitions...specifically those pesky life transitions. I knew I was in a one because I told my self, and countless others, that I was. But, and this is a big BUT because when it hit me the other day I literally fell out of my chair. Yes, I admit this was in part induced by the copious amounts of vino rosso pumping through my veins and the hysterical convo I was having about said subject of transitions...but that is seriously the moment it really hit me.


Because I finally realized I was not the only one going through such a state. My WHOLE freaking awesome + ness group of amazing, talented, intelligent co-horts where in the same boat as me! We were all experiencing this moment of LOST....literally. Between jumping ship and setting sail for the Hawiian tropics...heading to the edge of the continent on both sides, and chasinging lighting, tornados and green goblins....we were all in this moment of big wasn't just me. This was comforting because for a sec I felt a little less wacky (I said just for a sec...not sure if this will ever really go away and not sure if I really want it to).
While this knowledge of my "Lost at Sea" shipmates....
[and by lost I mean to infer that...if we were all stranded on a deserted island together at this moment in time...well we probably wouldn't be getting anywhere for a while....especially because two such co-horts kinda know how to make booze from just about anything and the rest of us, well lets just say....we don't really have a whole lotta reasons to WANT to get off this deserted island BLISS...we are all kinda trying to figure out how to get on it to be perfectly honest]
...was comforting, it was also a little bit heartbreaking because we were all plotting the stars towards different destinations. We had literally grown up together and as close as we all are and will stay, we are in this BIGGER than BIG moment of transition...dangling like pendulums in our qwests to create amazing mountains and seas of yummie gum drops to full fill our hearts desires. And while I am so pround of that fact, it leaves me realizing my own opportunities to set sail.
So here I am at this thirty-something stage...mucking through the "dirty" waters looking for my ship. I say dirty because right now the waters are pretty merky and are probably going to get a lot more "Swamp Thing" than "Into the Blue" before I find my course. But I am okay with that because I plan on really trying to clean it up and coming out on the other side fresh and clean, with a freaking awesome Pirate Ship to conqure the world on...eye patch included...just for eI effect :)

I have to remember though that it's not just my transition, it is all of ours....all of us hitting a fork in the road, all of us looking for a change, all of us hurling through the universe just trying to make sense of it. I am beginning to realize that LIFE is TRANSITION, always. Yes, sometimes these are bigger than big and sometimes they pass right through us without second thought....kinda like the third and forth glass of vino rosso I mentioned earlier... but, they are always there....moving, swishing, flowing, and transforming us into our next life.

This leads me to the big AAHA! moment....and the whole point of the "Yum Yum Coconut Gum Pirates"...thingy.
I can either a) be scared of the change, bury my head in the sand and keep doing exactly what I am doing hoping things will settle down and work themselves out.
But come on...we all know that is soooooo not my style....

I pick door 2) down the rabit hole....totally flipping the switch!
To do this I need to:
1. Look closely at what inspires me. What makes me laugh, smile, shine and be the absolute best me...and then do everything in my magical powers to make this yumminess my life.

2. Identify the stuuuuff that makes me sigh, cry, bleed and want to stay in bed all day watching Life Time...and then totally rid myself of the energy sucking leachy thingy's that creepy crawl through my life and eat all my gumdrops.

I think we all need to do this from time to time....clean house, start fresh, and really, I mean really use our energy to create the a life of our dreams. So here I go... testing the waters, crashing, sinking, swimming, and hopefully landing on a gorgeous island somewhere with lots of coconuts. Don't worry I will send postcards...oh wait no post offices on deserted islands....ok, so I will send you messages in a bottles filled with yum yum coconut gumdrops!

~Peace & Love~
Life Out Loud

P.S. This post may not make sense if you are not one of the said "Yum Yum Coconut Gumdrop Pirates"....but if it's kinda something you can dig...and you kinda get it...well then AHOY! I would kinda loves to hear from ya (just post a comment in the comment box thingy), because let's face it...if you "get it" are obviously an awesome + ness, talented, intelligent, person...thus possibly being worthy of getting your sea legs...(eye patches are optional but highly recommended).

(DISCLAIMER: those of you who have been totally awesome + ness and exuded super human strength by flipping the switch amongst some pretty major white squal style obstacles, breaking away, and not taking any prisoner's...I salute you....que standing ovation, screaming and yelling, cheering and totally embarrassing you like your mom at gradutaion!!!)