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The Universe, Everywhere
Life is; intriguing, mysterious, beautiful, heartbreaking, inspiring, and sometimes down right hysterical. With all this to offer, why not live it out loud. This blog is an outlet for sharing my experiences through this human journey...while discovering how to love again, laugh again, and live again.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Throwing Spaghetti

There's an old adage that life is like throwing spaghetti at the walls to see what sticks. This comes from the custom of actually throwing strands of cooked noodles at the wall, if it sticks it's done, if not, needs more time. While I like this philosophy of putting your self out there in life and seeing what happens, this is not my interpretation. Rather, I like to think of it as actually throwing cooked, sauced drenched spaghetti! Children do this all the time...screaming, laughing, and enjoying every minute of the grand mess they are making.

So here it IS like throwing spaghetti. It's a riot making the mess, not so fun cleaning it up....but afterwards....well you have a clean slate for doing it all over again. Now I know this has a few loop holes. Yes, in life there are times when the decisions we make seem permanent...or are permanent. But, life is life right....who knows what the outcome could of, or would have been. "What if" truely is the most powerful question. What if I didn't throw the spaghetti, what if I never made that mess....well then your kitchen would be clean, but where's the "life" in that?

The way I see it, it's the messes we make that define us. At the grittiest moments, our character is defined and our strength shines through. If you throw the spaghetti, do you have fun and leave the wreckage for someone else to clean up, or do you enjoy the moment, deal with the consequences and move on to more saucy noodle fun? This is the moment of truth.....

I say:
...and enjoy every minute of it
...messes, clean up and all.

~Peace & Love~

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